I sent an LTTE in last week about the rather
disgusting behavior from conservatives in the wake of the Fort Hood shootings.
What disgusts me is that soon after the shootings, conservatives began using it as a political tool against the president and others they disagree with, as well as to indulge in bigotry against those who don't think, act, look or believe as they do.
Some have been going on about how all Muslim soldiers are just like Hasan and should either be purged from the military or subjected to special screenings. No time was wasted by conservatives like in labeling this an act of terrorism in order to smear opponents. There are numerous examples.
I don't recall conservatives acting this way after other shootings. I don't remember calls for special screenings of Christians after Oklahoma City. They didn't seem all that interested in labeling the shooting up of a Unitarian Church an act of terrorism. And concerns that some right-wing Christians have undue influence on our military? People bringing that up are often labeled anti-Christian.
So right about now the righties are probably moving me up on their enemies lists.