We should have a contest to determine which is the worst stretch of road in the state. My nomination is for Hwy 6 from IC to WL. It has it all, huge potholes, disappearing sides, rolling bed that has a nasty roller coaster effect. It is turning into a gravel road right in front of our eyes. This didn't happen overnight. It has been in bad shape for at least 6 years.
When I brought this up at the legislative forum in Muscatine last weekend my reps- Republicans Jeff Kaufmann and Jim Hahn - spewed some mumbo jumbo about funds transferred blah,blah, blah. Hahn ended by saying that highways are bad all over, get used to it.
I always thought gravel roads were made by having gravel poured on them, not by paving a road and letting it deteriorate. Learn something new everyday.
Hwy 6 carries a huge amount of traffic between these two towns. I swear I will get picked up for drunk driving just trying to avoid problems. But one good thing, traffic flows at about 55 mph on there.