I guess they gave up on us damn Liberals. I do remember one alleged protest they had last July 3 or something like that. They were standing, in the rain, on a sidewalk in front of the bus station on Highway 61, aka River Drive. The Mississippi Valley Blues Fest was going on, so I guess they thought they could influence us Blues Festers. WRONG! I actually engaged one of them in a "conversation". It went something like this. Me. "You know Bush was responsible for all the shit were in now don't you?" Him. "Yeah and we got his fat ass out of there. But Obama..." Me, sort of quickly. "Wait a minute. Bush was and is a lot of things, but let's give credit where it's due. He is not a fat ass." Him. "Well I didn't mean that he's a fat guy". Me. "And no matter what, Obama will be a far and away better President than bush ever could be. He's actually an educated man." Him. "Fuck Obama." Me. 'no thank you, I'm heterosexual." Him. "splutter..." Me. "I think I'm going into Blues Fest, listen to some good tunes and drink a few beers. And the best part is, I'm getting paid for doing it." Him. "Huh?" Me. "I'm on vacation and I get it because of our Union." Him."Fuck the Unions too." Me. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!" Several other people who had gathered around. "HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!" Directed at him. And so I went inside and listened to great music and drank a few beers and just generally had a great time. The teabaggers probably just got wet.