Loebsack invited Fox News commentator Glenn Beck to Cedar Rapids to view the damage the city sustained during the Floods of 2008. Along with an invitation to come to Iowa, Loebsack sent Beck a copy of “In Deep Water: The Flood of 2008,” a DVD that highlights the devastation Iowa suffered. On a recent episode of his television show, Beck referred to federal funds for disaster stricken Cedar Rapids as “government waste.” Beck was referring to funds for the National Czech & Slovak Museum and Library.
“I would like to extend an invitation for you to visit the City of Cedar Rapids and view the flood damage and continued recovery efforts first-hand. I have enclosed a DVD entitled ‘In Deep Water: The Flood of 2008’ that highlights the devastation that Cedar Rapids and the State of Iowa experienced,” wrote Loebsack.
The National Czech & Slovak Museum and Library had five building severely damaged during the flood with $11 million in total estimated damage. The museum’s reopening creates the potential for job creation, further economic development, and increased tourism in Cedar Rapids.
more at link.
Way to call his bluff, Dave