I made the accident of voting for a republican once. His name was Leach. As in GRAMM-LEACH-BLILEY. This is the law that killed Glass-Stiegel. Jim Leach was often described as one of the 'moderate' and 'sensible' republicans. I do not follow 3rd district stuff very closely. My understanding is that Zaun is now a state senator or legislature. I think I have heard him described as 'conservative.' No current republican is 'conservative.' They do not want to conserve a thing. What they do want is to subjugate people to their religious views and fiscal malfeasance. I am a democrat for two reasons 1) they pretty much leave you alone on a personal level. They care not who you sleep with, who you worship or if you worship. They allow you to make your decisions. And if you make a bad one, they are there with a hand knowing full well that could happen to them. 2) fiscal responsibility. I don't care what government entity you look at (this may be a bit overboard but I think this is true). Generally speaking the true fiscal conservatives are the Dems. Insurance type pools are set up for things like bank failures, people losing jobs, natural disasters etc. Ever wonder why this depression (caused by bush policies) hasn't been anything like Iowa's own Herbert Hoover depression? Because of the safety nets set up by democrats with Republicans fighting tooth and nail to prevent them. Republicans burn through the treasury like a drunken frat boy and then burn through daddy's credit card. Look at the national debt. $11T of the $12.7T debt was run up by Reagan Bush and especially Shrub. I believe the numbers were $3T, $2.5T and $5.5T respectively. Consider that Obama inherited one last Bushco budget that was $1T in deficit, add on the shrinking revenues and you have almost the whole national debt run up in 220 years caused by 3 presidents.
So vote for a republican if you want. It is surely a free country. But when nothing gets done because of their hardball obstructionism, please remember that you have no room to complain. You were told.