I just sent this to the Dubuque TH;
As many of you are aware, the Dove World Outreach Center in Gainesville, Florida plans to burn the Qur'an on Sept 11th. I feel a stomach turning anger and a lot of shame about these people who claim to follow Jesus Christ, but who use Sept 11th and those who died then as a tool to express hatred of those who do not look, act, or believe as they do. I believe their actions reflect badly on this nation and on all of us who follow the teachings of Christ.
And if DWOC goes through with their book burning they will have proven that this hatred of theirs is more important to them than the safety and well being of our troops serving in places like Afghanistan. And that's just not my opinion, but the opinion of those like General Petraeus, who has said that this will inflame hatred of our nation and make it easier for Islamic extremists to recruit people to their cause.
The Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius once wrote in his Meditations that, "The best revenge is to be unlike him who performed the injury." Sadly that's not what is happening here. The DWOC is showing that they are no better than the likes of the Taliban and al-Qaeda, and like those who performed the injury to us on Sept. 11th. And they are dragging our country and all of us who follow the teachings of Jesus Christ into the sewers with them.
Since I'm sticking up for Muslims, and showing off some fancy book learning I'll no doubt be getting moved back up on the local teabagger enemy lists in the near future.