This appeared in today's Waterloo Courier: FALLS - Sunday's Courier contained a remarkable assertion by conservative columnist Dennis Clayson: "Intelligent liberals" secretly know our ideas cannot work. We will learn that we are wrong if we "look deeply" into our souls.
I have always thought of myself as a liberal, and at first, I thought Clayson's idea was ridiculous. Then I looked into my soul in the "middle of a cold night," as Clayson advised. Here is what I learned:
1. Social Security was a tragic Democratic mistake.
2. Fox News is fair and balanced. But it is not as informative as Sarah Palin's Facebook page.
3. Medicare was a socialist plot launched by neo-Marxist Lyndon B. Johnson.
4. Tax cuts for the wealthy don't cause deficits.
5. Unemployment insurance is a socialist program designed for whiners who don't have tenure.
I was blind, but now I see. Thanks, Dennis.The Dennis Clayton referred to is a UNI professor who writes a weekly column, that is to say, he receives a government paycheck every month yet rails against big government weekly.
I am quite certain the sarcasm will fly right over the heads of the local conservatives, a la Stephen Colbert. #2 :rofl: