How the wave missed IowaIowa Democratic operative Jeff Link circulated an interesting theory today on how all of Iowa's Democratic congressmen survived: Republicans, he writes, surged late and missed the early voters.
From his e-mail:
In Tuesday's election, around 35% of Iowans voted before election day. ...
In Iowa, ballots are sent to people who request them in late September. This had different ramifications for each race:
Braley (won 49-48) — the American Future Fund (GOP) began advertising a week later and didn't maximize their negative advertising until weeks 3 and 2. The US chamber weighed in during week 2 and braley's opponent only had the money to advertise in the final two weeks. By that time, nearly 20% of the electorate had cast their vote. With a relatively small margin of victory, the advantage Braley gained in early vote in early October could have been determinative.
Boswell (51-47) — Boswell, too benefitted from early vote. Between the DCCC and the Boswell campaign, they attacked his opponent, Brad Zaun, relentlessly in September and early October. The race tightened in the last week, but again, nearly 1/3 of the voters had already cast ballots.
Loebsack — The late Republican surge was also thwarted in the 2nd CD because the pool of voters was reduced by roughly 30%.
Why didn't the Iowa state house and senate candidates benefit in the same way? Legislators and candidates are less known than Iowa's members of Congress. In addition, the state candidates didn't begin advertising until the final 10-14 days. Again, since 30% of the electorate voted before knowing them at all, they were more susceptible to the Republican surge.