"Daniel Lundby, 35, son of the late state Sen. Mary Lundby, will run as a Democrat, though he has previously identified as a Republican.
“I changed my party affiliation from Republican to Democrat because the Republican Party and the people I was supporting no longer placed the best interests of Iowa and its voters before their own party agenda,” he said.
Lundby said the run was inspired in part by his mother, who was both a Senate Minority Leader and co-Majority leader in the last decade, before her death in 2009. Though Mary Lundby was a Republican, Daniel Lundby said he believed there were pieces of current Democrat agenda she would have agreed with, and that he is also using as part of his platform."
http://iowaindependent.com/58117/former-senators-son-to-run-for-iowa-houseSlowly, slowly republicans awaken to what their party has become.