Ed Fallon, Democratic candidate for Governor in Iowa, won 2nd place in the Accoridian contest at the State Fair.
If that isn't a reason to support someone for Governor I don't know one. Lets just hope the first place winner doesn't run for Governor.
Here is a little writeup from Blog for Iowa
http://www.blogforiowa.com/blog/Candidates/EdFallonAs August rolls on, we turn the "Candidate Watch" to the State Fair. Many times you'll see just staged photo ops and a few recycled stump speeches. One thing I don't recall: seeing a candidate enter a Fair contest.
Ed Fallon did just that by entering (not for the first time) the State Fair Accordion competition - and placing 2nd.
Via Radio Iowa:
Ed Fallon, a Democratic candidate for governor, did a little squeeze play at the Iowa State Fair on Monday afternoon. Fallon won second place in the 2005 Iowa State Fair accordion competition. He's been fair champion twice before and finished third once, too. "My grandmother taught me when I was about seven or eight, and I've been at it ever since," Fallon says.
If the political speeches are good and the accordion music is good, I think they'll probably settle for either," Fallon says. "I think Iowans demand quality and hopefully I can deliver both on the accordion and at the political stump.