I got this from Moveon.org - let's call! :)
Dear MoveOn member,
Tomorrow morning at 11:30 the entire Senate will cast the final vote on the nomination of John Roberts to be the next Chief Justice of the United States. Sen. Harkin is one of the last few Democrats still undecided, and he need to hear from you today.
While the vote count doesn't look promising, Democrats still have the opportunity to show the country that they will defend core values--like equal voting rights, reproductive choice, and basic protections for workers. Every Democratic Senator who comes out against Roberts strengthens that message, and every vote counts.
This week Senators Reid, Obama, Clinton, Kerry and others all came out against Roberts. We can still get a solid majority of Democrats to join them, but only if the last holdouts like Sen. Harkin step up to do the right thing. With only hours remaining, your voice can make a real difference.
Please call today:
Senator Tom Harkin
Phone: 202-224-3254
Then, please report your call by clicking here: