Edited on Wed Mar-01-06 01:19 AM by pstans
Don’t buy Leach’s claims of integrity By David Bradley, West Liberty, IA
Since the choosing of a new majority leader for the Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives, I have been giving some thought to Jim Leach and his claims of integrity that he made a focal point of his last campaign. It was such a focal point that his advertising obscured the fact that Leach is a Republican. In the past year, the Republican Party has been rocked by scandal after scandal. One of these scandals cost Tom DeLay his job as majority leader. The choice of replacement came down to two men whose credentials were almost as bad as Tom DeLay’s. Why wasn’t a man of self-proclaimed integrity, Jim Leach, among those to seek the job? At the very least, why didn’t Mr. Leach speak out about the lack of integrity of those who sought the job? This got me to thinking about some of the other ongoing scandals and Leach’s response to them. The sitting president illegally spies on his own citizens without court permission. Jim Leach’s response is ... nothing. No comment either on the president declaring through signing statements which laws he will follow. This almost makes Congress unnecessary. How about the Valerie Plame outing? We are still waiting for a comment. Leach also brings his integrity into question with votes to uphold most of the Tom DeLay’s agenda over the past six years. Much of this agenda has given tax breaks to the rich while taking much-needed programs from the poor. Integrity is not something that comes and goes according to the issue. When injustices are committed, those who claim integrity must speak up and speak loudly. Mr. Leach’s silence speaks volumes. I wonder if Mr. Leach will try to hide his party affiliation in the House race this year as he did last time. I would if I were him. Not much to be proud of there. Will he also tout his so-called integrity this year? Let us hope that the good people of the 2nd District are no longer fooled by this unwarranted claim.