You might want to set your VCR/Tivo for this one. An article ran in Friday's Gazette, front page just below the fold. Unfortunately, there is no public version online. The show is set to air on Monday, 7 p.m. on ABC.
Cedar Rapids common-law couple, Kyle and Alison Askam, are featured on the show. Alison, 29, trades places with a mom/wife from suburban Atlanta who is a Wiccan high priestess.
Some of the quotes from the article which set me off:
"...Alison Askam, 29, is a stay-at-home mom who caters to her family's every need and is jokingly referred to as having less authority than the family dog."
"The Askams have two children -- her son... and their son..."
And the one which had me tossing the paper across the room:
Alison...changed the Thompson household drastically when she got the chance. She enrolled the family's two young girls in a cheerleading program and made her 'new' husband, Kenny Thompson, king of the houshold. She did all the cooking and cleaning and urged him to relax and watch football.
"I was just doing your basic womanly duties," Askam said.