Civic Skinny: Fallon on a roll
Opponents stumbling and bumbling give Ed a boost
Ed Fallon won't talk about what happens if he loses a Democratic primary for Iowa governor - not really. He thinks he can win, and if he didn't, he wouldn't be running, he said. And with top Dems telling us Fallon is picking up steam, with Chet Culver and Mike Blouin seemingly tripping over each other, Fallon, we're told, seems poised to make a move. "They (Culver and Blouin) aren't helping themselves," our source said. "I thought Culver's pick of (Patty) Judge as a running-mate (for lieutenant governor) was awful until Blouin made his choice (Andrea McGuire). And they both still have issue problems at a time when issues - despite what you read in The Des Moines Register - are more important to Iowans than who is raising what for whom." Fallon, our source said, could also "muck things up" if he loses and decides to run as an Independent (and take his supporters with him come November). "He has a tremendous grassroots base. The top dogs can't ignore him anymore, and they cannot write him off as crazy like they used to because they need him. Blouin outspent him five-to-one, and the two have the same name ID."
Think the Fallon stuff is pure foolishness? Try this on for size. After Blouin stepped "in it" and "on it" last week with his boneheaded choice of McGuire, the rumblings from inside AFSCME started to become more of a dull roar. As was widely reported two weeks ago, AFSCME bit the bullet and endorsed Mike Blouin, passing over Culver because of his boneheaded move: Judge. And while many speculate that Gov. Tom Vilsack had something to do with Blouin getting the nod, he may not have enough in his bag of tricks to keep AFSCME involved. In fact, some members of AFSCME want Blouin to ditch McGuire due to her generosity toward Republican candidates in the past. Will Blouin keep her on the ticket? It's anyone's guess. But AFSCME may not be sticking around to find out.
Also, look for a couple of prominent Democrats to publicly support the Nussle campaign if Mike Blouin wins the Democratic primary, we're told. After all, Blouin's running mate McGuire has set precedent by supporting Republican candidates and still being rewarded with the second highest position a Democrat can hold in the state. Look for these individuals to tell Blouin they are following McGuire's lead and "being independent."
<snip> Supporters - read the whole article - it's the recognition that the DMR refused to give him! :bounce: