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Got the weirdest email from the Blouin campaign

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Debi Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-13-06 01:32 PM
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Got the weirdest email from the Blouin campaign
I post it here in it's entirety because it's one of those 'pass along to your friends' emails from a campaign. Sorry mods if my thinking on this isn't correct. d.

Dear Democrats:

In January, we began the Iowa Democratic Party's Caucus to Convention process. Attendance was high all over the state because Democrats know how important this election cycle is for us.

Saturday, March 11th is the last weekend of Democratic County Conventions. The Democratic District Conventions will be held April 29th and then on June 17th, the Democratic State Convention will be held. The Caucus to Convention process this year is very important, as we all need to stay focused on defeating Jim Nussle in the fall.

A month ago, there appeared to be some chance the nomination for Governor could be decided at the State Convention. But in the past few weeks, two Democratic candidates have dropped out of the race, bringing the likelihood of a nominating convention down to zero. Fewer candidates in the race for the nomination will mean that the Democratic Party can be far less divided during this Primary Election, which is what we need in order to wage a strong and united campaign against Jim Nussle in the fall.

The Blouin/McGuire ticket wishes to build upon the unity of our Democratic Party, not to further divide it by splitting up our caucus to convention process with candidate preference groups. Preference groups are of course the hallmark of our Presidential-year Caucus to Convention process, but for decades the tradition during mid-term gubernatorial elections has been to remain united as one group of Democrats during this important process.

The Blouin/McGuire ticket is extraordinarily strong and has the experience to move Iowa forward. We have the most realistic and attainable plan to fix our broken health care system, to bolster our education system to a level Iowans can be proud of and the record to create good jobs all over the state.

We need your support to win this election. There is no doubt that Blouin/McGuire is the strongest ticket for the General Election against Nussle/Vander Plaats. We have the support of 9 major Labor Organizations, including the state's largest union—AFSCME. The Attorney General of Iowa, Tom Miller has endorsed our campaign. We also have the support of 59 of the Democratic members of the Iowa Legislature, and a statewide steering committee of nearly 300 Iowans.

Please help us make history in Iowa by electing a Democrat to the Governor's office at the same time that we win majorities in the Iowa House and Iowa Senate. Please support our campaign for Iowa's future!

Thank you for being a Democrat and for working to make Iowa an even better place to live.

Mike Blouin & Dr. Andy McGuire

Yes, bring unity to the Party, dump Culver and Fallon and join Mike Blouin. That's there's never been a primary in Iowa before? sheesh :eyes:
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Hobarticus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-13-06 01:42 PM
Response to Original message
1. I'm not sure I understand what they're getting at....
What's the point? We're supposed to bypass the process and grease the skids for him?
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Debi Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-13-06 02:06 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. Yes, we're supposed to stop fooling around and get serious
How DARE we support anyone other than Blouin? x(

Just the weirdest email.....
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Hardrada Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-13-06 07:12 PM
Response to Reply #2
3. Are they trying to mess with our minds??
It has to be some kind of psy op!
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Debi Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-13-06 07:47 PM
Response to Reply #3
4. No, I'm pretty sure they're serious
If we are not for them, then we are against them (and therefore the enemy that must be destroyed).
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Hardrada Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-13-06 08:14 PM
Response to Reply #4
5. Well, that sounds familiar!!
It sounds like some really hick Karl Rove stuff in a way-off Broadway production.
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Debi Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-14-06 11:39 AM
Response to Reply #5
6. Just got a second email from them today
80% of Dem legislators support them
9 unions support them (including my local building trades - which is a disappointment because I had heard they were going to remain neutral).
they have an over 200 member state steering committee.

Culver & Fallon may as well give up now - Big Daddy Blouin and his Independent Woman running mate are the only team that can beat Nussle (at least that's what they keep saying), I don't know why they are the only team that can beat Nussle they just keep repeating that so it must be true :eyes:

I wonder when their legislative sycophants will start using the 'electable' meme...of course Blouin will have to overcome his Congressional race loss, but that was in the past and neither he nor his running mate are to be held accountable for their past....only Culver (who seems to have been 'electable' twice in the last eight years).

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Rambis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-20-06 12:23 PM
Response to Reply #6
7. Fallon is on the move
that is what this is all about. If it goes to convention I am voting for him and a lot of people are too. I don't care if everyone voted for Ed who wanted to he could win.
Pro choice
anti death
No corp welfare
clean elections
pro gay lesbian marriage
Those are his stances on issues not political posing. Blouin is a republican not even republican lite.
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Debi Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Mar-20-06 01:07 PM
Response to Reply #7
8. Hard for me to argue with you.

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