Watch it go round and round...
Consumers with thinning wallets want the lowest prices possible.
Retailers pressure manufacturers to cut corners in order to offer their goods at lower prices.
Manufacturers, wanting retailers to sell their merchandise, cut costs by outsourcing, layoffs, using questionable parts/specs.
The merchandise is purchased, but being of low quality, quickly breaks or is ineffective as to its purpose.
Consumers with thinning wallets want the lowest prices possible.
Retailers pressure manufacturers to cut corners in order to offer their goods at lower prices.
Manufacturers, wanting retailers to sell their merchandise, cut costs by outsourcing, layoffs, using questionable parts/specs.
The merchandise is purchased, but being of low quality, quickly breaks or is ineffective as to its purpose.
If America (or more aptly, Americans) are going to survive, we need to stop the vicious circle. The complication is that the circle has already expanded so much that it is difficult to work outside of it. For instance, I've yet to find a bicycle tire which was made in the USA.
What makes matters even worse is that companies operating on the US Commonwealth island of Saipan and other Northern Mariana Islands are allowed by law to label their goods as "Made in the USA." That is, you could have a Chinese owned factory, using 100% Chinese materials and parts, by Chinese citizen workers, 800 miles from mainland China in Saipan labeling its goods as "Made in the USA."
I could probably write for hours on Saipan/CNMI (i.e., Abramoff, Delay, forced abortion, forced drugging, the model for Bush's guest worker program, sweatshops, racism, neoptism) but it would be easier just to link: