I wonder if Chuckles is aware? :D
http://desmoinesregister.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20060420/NEWS10/604200380/1001/NEWS...Carol Dymond, a former adviser for Iowa Workforce Development, acknowledged for the first time this week that she wrote an anonymous letter to alert elected officials two years ago about the problems at the Central Iowa Employment and Training Consortium, an agency that receives federal money from IWD.
Dymond said she paid one of the highest prices for acting as a watchdog of taxpayer money when she lost her job two months later.
Dymond said some employees of CIETC were aware of the bonuses for years. The unsigned letter, which was also sent to former IWD Director Richard Running, sparked a heated internal investigation within CIETC and IWD as leaders vigorously worked to silence the whistle-blower, she said.
About two months after sending the letters that alerted officials about CIETC, Dymond was placed on paid administrative leave for "inappropriately accessing personnel information," Iowa Workforce Development records obtained by the Register show. Dymond resigned four days later.
The plot thickens...