subtitle should be: Purge of moderate Republicans in full swing
Go to the story and read the whole thing.
The astroturf is spreading like crabgrass.
"It's almost like a franchise," he said of the Club for GrowthPosted on Thu, Aug. 05, 2004
New issue groups are successful in swaying outcomes
Eagle Topeka bureau
TOPEKA - Spending by two groups new to Kansas politics and a strong get-out-the-vote effort by churches gave conservative politicians some key legislative victories in Tuesday's primary.
Many church leaders strongly urged their members to oust lawmakers who voted against a constitutional ban on gay marriage. Their effort played a role the defeat of Republican Rep. John Ballou of Gardner, who held the No. 3 position in House, speaker pro tem.
Through mailings, radio ads and phone calls, the new political groups aimed their anti-tax message at voters in key races, including three in the Wichita area.
Pat Ranson of Wichita, a moderate Republican and vice chairwoman of the party in the state, criticized the "hundreds of thousands of dollars" the groups spent on legislative races.
"It's a little unsettling when we have so much money coming in from out of state, which are basically single-issue groups," she said. "It turns these races into something other than Kansas races." It has skirted our campaign finance laws," she said.<snip>
But just who is contributing money to the Kansas effort is unknown.