The following is a letter to the editor from the local paper concerning the evolution debate in Kansas. The majority of the KSBOE knuckleheads were voted in by those in the agricultural communities and yet they don't believe in evolution nor want it taught in the schools.
Daily evolution
Sunday, August 28, 2005
To the editor:
It is doubly ironic that the theory of evolution should come under attack by the school board of the state of Kansas. Evolution is practiced on a daily basis in Kansas, and the state could not thrive without it.
There is only one difference in the evolution that Charles Darwin expounded and the evolution that is practiced by agronomists and livestock breeders. In the wild, the forces that determine the development of a species are natural. On Kansas farms and ranches, those forces are imposed upon a species by humans.
Regardless of whether the selecting factors are natural or artificial, it is evolution all the same.
Alan Hurlbut,