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Langston Hughes' church gets national historic designation

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Thom Little Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-09-05 04:47 PM
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Langston Hughes' church gets national historic designation
The church that poet Langston Hughes once attended, which has roots dating back to the Civil War, has been added to the National Register of Historic Places.

Leaders of the St. Luke AME Church said the new status should help their fund-raising efforts to preserve the nearly century-old building.

"It's something we have been striving for, certainly since 2001, but even when I came here as a pastor since 1995," the Rev. Verdell Taylor said.

The status will help St. Luke attract grants. The church needs an estimated $1 million or more to repair its roof and walls. So far, more than $135,000 has been raised for building preservation efforts, including $100,000 from the federal government.
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Mabus Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-12-05 10:38 PM
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1. It's the same building where the NAACP meetings are held these days
It is right next to New York school, the one Hughes attended. At least the meetings were held there in the basement when I was an active member a couple of years ago.

It does need a lot of repair. I'm glad it got the designation. It is one of those places that is definitely worth saving and is in a pretty historical area. John Speers, who was targeted and whose presses were destroyed by Quantrill's Raiders, had a home a block from the school. The home was moved to nearby Hobbs Park which has its own place in local Black History. At the other end of Hobbs Park, which is a couple blocks from New York school and St. Luke AME Church, is Lawrence's Municipal Stadium where Satchel Paige pitched a few games when he played for the KC Monarchs.
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