over the web.
Hey everyone! Who wants to go with me Wednesday night? Here are the details, first part about the debate, second about the webcast. Let me know, I am going to try to be there front and center so Pedro can look out and see a friendly face. We need as many as are interested to go since the other side always fills these kinds of things.
MANHATTAN -- Same-sex marriage and civil rights will be the topic of a
debate at Kansas State University between two attorneys who have
represented clients on opposite sides of the issue.
The debate, "Civil Rights and Same-Sex Couples," is part of K-State's
Dorothy L. Thompson Civil Rights Lecture Series. It will be at 7 p.m.
Wednesday, April 5, in the Banquet Room at the K-State Alumni Center.
Debating the issue will be attorneys Pedro Irigonegaray and Joel Oster.
Debate moderator will be Washburn University law professor Bill Rich.
The event is free and the public is invited.
Irigonegaray worked on behalf of the American Civil Liberties Union with
a transsexual client accused of filing a false swearing on her marriage
license. Oster works with a conservative Christian legal group and
fought successfully to invalidate California marriage licenses issued
to same-sex couples.
Irigonegaray is a Topeka civil rights attorney committed to equality for
gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender Kansans. He is a Washburn Law
School graduate who has been in private practice in Topeka since 1973.
Oster is senior legal counsel for the Alliance Defense Fund and
previously was senior litigation counsel for Liberty Counsel. He is a
University of Kansas Law School graduate.
The Dorothy L. Thompson Civil Rights Lecture Series honors Thompson's
contributions to human rights on campuses throughout Kansas and the
nation. Thompson served K-State for more than 20 years in various roles,
including as the university's affirmative action director. She left
K-State to get her law degree at Washburn and returned to serve as
associate university attorney. Thompson, who died in 1992, was
recognized for an abiding respect for all people and a profound
commitment to fairness and equity. More information about the lecture
series is available at
http://www.k-state.edu/dthompson /
The Dorothy Thompson Civil Rights Lecture scheduled for April 5th
featuring a debate on the Kansas Marriage Amendment will be broadcast
live over the internet.
The audio stream is located at the following URL:
http://www.ksu.edu/dthompsonThe debate begins at 7:00PM.
Later it will be broadcasted over the KSU Public Access Television
Channel 8 (Manhattan cable subscribers only) on the following days:
April 9th at 7: 00 p.m.
April 10th at 6:30 p.m.
April 11th at 8:30 p.m.