I'll try to make this. It is just up the street from the ECM (Ecumenical Christian Ministries) where the canvassers are gathering at 2 p.m.
Thanks for the information.
Hope in the Heartland: Kansas Democratic Victory 2006 (April 29 Canvass)Hope has returned to the Heartland; let’s make 2006 a banner year for the Kansas Democratic Party.
Join the Kansas Democratic Party and Democrats from across America in one of the largest coordinated events in the history of the Democratic Party! Join us as we strengthen the Democratic community in Kansas; neighborhood by neighborhood, door by door!
Be a part of the team that lays the groundwork to re-elect Governor Kathleen Sebelius, replace radical Republicans Phill Kline and Jim Ryun, send Dennis Moore back to Congress, and re-elect our local Representatives; Barbara Ballard, Paul Davis, and Tom Holland.
By talking to just 25 people, in the course of a single afternoon, you can help the Kansas Democratic Party establish the foundation for success in 2006, 2008 and beyond!
We will provide you with the tools necessary to take back Kansas. All you need to do is show up!
Please join us!