As a gay Kansan, I just want to rant a moment. I have been ranted upon long enough! I am tired of my immutable sexual orientation being used as a political football.
Since the entire Kansas Republican congressional delegation is in support of the Federal Marriage Amendment, I am boycotting Kansas Republicans. NO Republican gets my vote for anything--not for state lege, county commissioner, or city council. Not even dog catcher. I further consider all Kansas Republicans, whether they hold office or not, to be moral degenerates. How do you get my vote? Follow in the steps of Paul Morrison and Mark Parkinson and come into the light. Cease to be a Republican.
I will not patronize businesses owned by secret or avowed Republicans.
Republicans support torture. How long before the Overland Park PD starts using electrodes on genitals to get speeding convictions. A Republican is mayor at the moment.
Kansas Republicans want women to die of cervical cancer. And since they consider abortion to be murder, they apparently want several executions for each abortion. If abortion is murder the person performing the abortion and the mother must die, as should any accessories before the fact. Kansas Republicans desire that no science be taught in the schools. In fact, it appears that Republicans oppose public education, period.
And Republicans need to be reminded that according to the Bible, remarriage after divorce is adultery and the moral equivalent of homosexuality. If you want to be Bibical, it is: One man, one woman, once. I shall start calling Republicans who are divorced and re-married sexual perverts. They should not be allowed to teach or adopt children.
Some Republican say that homosexuals' rights should not be a protected under civil rights legislation, as sexual orientation is chosen. Well, so is one's religion. Perhaps we should remove civil rights protections from religion? I'd enjoy firing several Christians.
I thank you for listening. Or not. Is this all true? According to what I have read about Democrats and others in the Republican press, it is truth.