KEC News June 2006 Edition In This Issue ... :: Exciting KEC Membership Meeting Planned for June 28th :: NEW - "Equality Exchange" :: KEC Plays Role in JCCC Equality Initiative :: Opportunities to Make A Difference! :: KEC/JoCo Focuses Efforts on Grassroots Involvement :: KC Man's Tie to Gay Choir Costs Him His Job :: URGENT - Federal Marriage Amendment Update :: KEC Walks for AIDS :: Quotable Quotes kec_logo_color_small
Welcome to the first edition of KEC's monthly newsletter!
KEC of Johnson County is working to find ways to communicate with membership and to create opportunities for community involvement and networking. We hope you enjoy the newsletter and we look forward to hearing your comments and suggestions!
Please forward this e-mail to friends and family members who are also interested in equality for all Kansans. Exciting KEC Membership Meeting Planned for June 28th Special Guest: Joe Nadeau, Music Director of Heartland Men's Chorus
Joe Nadeau, music director of the Heartland Men's Chorus in Kansas City, will join our quarterly membership meeting on June 28th. Joe's dismissal from St. Agnes Catholic Church as music director because he is gay has made recent headlines (see "KC Man's Tie to Gay Choir" in this newsletter).
In addition to Joe's insightful and informative comments, your board of directors is planning an ice cream social to cool you off on a hot summer day! We'll provide the ice cream and toppings to make your favorite sundae. Please join us and bring a friend!
* Wednesday, June 28th * 7:00 - 8:30 PM * Colonial UCC in Prairie Village * 71st & Mission Road * Social Hall (downstairs) * See you there!
KEC Plays Role in JCCC Equality Initiative Non-Discrimination Policy Now Includes "Gays and Lesbians"
Thanks to the efforts of many of you, Johnson County Community College has moved one step closer to fairness for all JCCC faculty, staff and students.
In April, KEC of Johnson County and True Blue Women learned that the JCCC Anti-Discrimination Policy did not include LGBT persons. Despite efforts from a number of groups at JCCC, the issue was not getting traction with the Board of Trustees and progress was stalled.
KEC and True Blue members responded by sending e-mails and making phone calls to JCCC's Board of Trustees, and our voices were heard. The Board responded by overwhelmingly approving inclusionary language referring to protection for "gays and lesbians" in its non-discrimination policy. (Note: While we are encouraged by this we are disappointed that "bisexual and transgender" was not included.)
You can thank JCCC Board of Trustees members by calling or sending a note of appreciation. Benjamin Hodge was the only member who voted against equality.
KEC/JoCo Focuses Efforts on Grassroots Involvement Three Key Initiatives for Membership Involvement
Like many young organizations, we have acknowledged the need to make KEC of Johnson County to a more dynamic, fun and action-oriented group.
We've identified three key initiatives to enhance our organization and community presence: Communication & Social Activities; Membership & Fundraising; and Political & Community Outreach. We will provide opportunities for everyone to participate in the development of these components of our organization!
The first step is communication . We'll provide monthly newsletters updates so you're aware of what's happening in our community. We're also starting a social group called "Equality Exchange" that will provide a fun way to get to know each other better and to discuss current events.
You will hear much more about these efforts in the very near future. You'll also have an opportunity to sign up to participate in these initiatives at our upcoming membership meeting. KC Man's Tie to Gay Choir Costs Him His Job Discrimination at St. Agnes Catholic Church in Roeland Park
According to The Kansas City Star, Joe Nadeau was asked to leave his post as church music director because he refused the pastor’s request to stop leading the Heartland Men’s Chorus, a gay men’s choir in Kansas City. The pastor, Monsignor Gary Applegate, also demanded that Mr. Nadeau state he would be celibate, and to agree with the church’s teaching that homosexuality is a disorder. When Mr. Nadeau refused he was asked to leave his position at St Agnes Catholic Church. This comes despite overwhelming support from parishoners. According to one, there was "a two-hour line to say goodbye to him. I think he knows that the overwhelming majority of the parish love him and support him."
The monsignor's action, as well as Archbishop Joseph Naumann's commentary in the local archdiocese newsletter condeming gays and lesbians, was disappointing. The archbishop's comments portray gays and lesbians in a fashion that is irresponsible and dangerous. KEC is opposed to bigotry disguised as religious truth.
Read the Kansas City Star article on discrimination at Saint Agnes Catholic Church.
Read Archbishop Naumann's comments in their entirety.
Enjoy Rev. John Tamilio's inclusive and uniting perspective. Rev. Tamilio is pastor at the Colonial United Church of Christ in Prairie Village.
NEW - "Equality Exchange"
Join KEC members from the Kansas City area monthly (day and location TBD) to discuss important current issues related to the LGBT community.
Now you can network with others who are interested in equality to talk about current events, to discuss books and articles, or just to enjoy the company of other fair-minded individuals.
More information on this opportunity will be available at the membership meeting on June 28th. Spread the word and join the fun! Opportunities to Make A Difference! Upcoming Local Events sex_ed.jpg
"Let's Talk About Sex ... Education" Men and women alike are invited to attend True Blue Women's social meeting featuring Dr. Dennis Dailey, Professor Emeritus at The University of Kansas.
Dr. Dailey, a well-known sex therapist and educator, will speak about the importance of comprehensive, age- appropriate sex education in our schools. Dr. Dailey's engaging style is sure to inform and entertain!
* Friday, June 16th * 7:00 PM * Asbury United Methodist Church * 75th & Nall * More information
KEC JoCo Membership Meeting Bring a friend for an evening of equality and ice cream! Joe Solmonese, president of HRC, will provide an informative overview of the state of equality. You won't want to miss it!
* Wednesday, June 28th * 7:00 - 8:30 PM * Colonial UCC in Prairie Village * 71st & Mission Road
URGENT - Federal Marriage Amendment Update Senate to Vote on Discriminatory FMA as Early as June 5th
Please contact your legislators and let them know you do not support writing discrimination into the Constitution, that marriage equality is important for all families, and that you will not vote for legislators who use LBGT issues for political gain.
KEC Walks for AIDS Chapter Raises Funds for 18th Annual Event aids_walk_pic
KEC members from the Johnson County chapter joined together to raise money for the 18th Annual Aids Walk Kansas City and participate in a worthy cause.
The event, held Saturday, April 22nd at Theis Park in Kansas City, Missouri, brought together groups and individuals to raise money so local AIDS service organizations can provide nutrition, shelter, medical care and emergency assistance to those affected by HIV/AIDS in our community.
In addition to contributing to a great cause, KEC members had an opportunity for fun and camaraderie on a beautiful spring day. Quotable Quotes
"They say that time changes things, but you actually have to change them yourself." - Andy Warhol.
"Homophobia is like racism and anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry in that it seeks to dehumanize a large group of people, to deny their humanity, their dignity and personhood. This sets the stage for further repression and violence that spread all too easily to victimize the next minority group." - Coretta Scott King
"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." - Martin Luther King, Jr.
Thanks to all of you for contributing to the cause of equality. We hope to see you at our next membership meeting on June 28th!
The Board of Directors KEC of Johnson County, Inc. email: mkierl@kc.rr.com