From: USA Today Editorial - By DeWayne Wickham
Mark Parkinson thinks it's time Thomas Frank wrote a sequel to his 2004 best seller, What's the Matter with Kansas?, which explains how the descendants of abolitionists, free-soilers and trustbusters became the backbone of the conservative movement in U.S. politics.
Frank made his home state the focus of his contention that cultural issues have been used by conservatives to get Midwesterners (and other Americans) to vote against their economic and political interests. But Parkinson says a lot has changed in the Sunflower State and Frank's new book should be called "What's Right with Kansas."
He ought to know. A Republican for 30 years, Parkinson is a former GOP state party chairman. In that job, he spearheaded the unsuccessful effort to derail the 2002 gubernatorial campaign of moderate Democrat Kathleen Sebelius. Sebelius made funding for public education — not hot-button social issues — a major plank in her campaign. She won with 53% of the vote in a state where Democrats are just 28% of registered voters. Last week, Sebelius named Parkinson her running mate in this year's gubernatorial campaign. He replaces John Moore, the current lieutenant governor, who decided not to seek re-election. Like Moore, Parkinson is a Republican-turned-Democrat.
No joking matter When Moore bolted the GOP four years ago to become Sebelius' running mate, Parkinson called his selection a "gimmick." Now he says what the Democratic Party has to offer is no joke.
Republicans have branded Parkinson a traitor, but he told me he didn't break with the GOP, it broke with him. It became more interested in cultural warfare than improving schools, economic development "for everyone" and the idea that government should not be involved in people's personal lives.
"What's happened in Kansas, and what's attracted me and excited me about serving on this ticket is that the person that's captured (the political middle) of Kansas is Gov. Sebelius," Parkinson said.
And that's got to worry Republicans all over this country. Just as Kansas was once a bellwether state for the ascendancy of Republican power, what's happening there now may be evidence of its decline.
Party hopping Johnson County prosecutor Paul Morrison also became a Democrat and is now challenging Phill Kline, Kansas' GOP attorney general.
When key members of the dominant political party jump ship, there's good reason to believe the ship has sprung a serious leak — in Kansas and elsewhere.
In Virginia, one-time Republican and former Reagan administration Navy secretary Jim Webb is seeking the Democratic Senate nomination. He says he split with the GOP after deciding Democrats care more about working-class people.
In February, South Carolina prosecutor Barney Giese, a moderate Republican, joined the Democrats. His defection was the result of frayed relations with conservatives.
In states such as New York, Pennsylvania, Connecticut and New Hampshire, moderate Republicans are struggling to hold onto elected offices at a time when the party's conservative leaders have been hurt by self-inflicted wounds.
President Bush's approval rating now hovers around 33%. Dogged by high-profile scandals and the dissatisfaction of moderate Republicans, conservative leaders are now scrambling to avoid losing control of Congress in November.
"Kansas is ready to lead us singing into the apocalypse," Frank wrote in his 2004 book. "It invites us all to join in, to lay down our lives so that others might cash out at the top; to renounce forever our middle-American prosperity in pursuit of a crimson fantasy of middle-American righteousness."
That Kansas doesn't exist anymore, Parkinson said.
While it's too soon to say whether he is right, Sebelius' election and Parkinson's defection suggest that it may well be time for Frank to consider penning another book about the effects that politics in Kansas have on this nation.
DeWayne Wickham writes weekly for USA TODAY.