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New Record: 20 Democratic House Candidates in JoCo!!

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proud2BlibKansan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-13-06 10:09 PM
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New Record: 20 Democratic House Candidates in JoCo!!

As of Monday, June 12, Johnson Co Democrats have fielded 20 candidates for the State House of Representatives, setting a new record.

"With so many outstanding House candidates stepping forward to join our strong candidates at the top of the ballot, we are offering voters in Johnson County a clear choice across the entire ballot throughout the entire county," said Democratic County Chair Bill Roy, Jr.

"Our candidates are proud to stand together with Congressman Moore, Governor Sebelius, Mark Parkinson and Paul Morrison, working to strengthen our schools, continuing to build a positive business climate that is creating jobs, and assuring healthy, safe and secure communities."

"Our candidates offer voters a wealth of experience from the fields of business, engineering, law, education, communications, the military, healthcare, bio-science, information technology, criminal justice and government."

In 2004, Dennis Moore carried traditionally Republican Johnson County, winning 11 of the 22 state House districts with at least 54 percent of the vote.

Here's a list of our candidates:

District -- Candidate, City
14 -- Aunesty Janssen, Olathe
15 -- Heather Cessna, Olathe
16 -- Gene Rardin, Overland Park
17 -- Ed Coleman, Lenexa
18 -- Cindy Neighbor, Shawnee
19 -- Nancy Leiker, Overland Park
20 -- Alex Holsinger, Overland Park
21 -- Mark Logan, Prairie Village
22 -- Sue Storm, Overland Park (incumbent, unopposed)
23 -- Mark McCormick, Merriam, and Milack Talia, Merriam
24 -- Andy Sandler, Mission
25 -- Missy Taylor, Roeland Park
26 -- Bill Jackson, Olathe
29 -- Amber Bachelor, Overland Park
30 -- Amy Kamm, Lenexa
38 -- Diane Bryant, Lenexa
39 -- Corey Mohn, Shawnee
43 -- Lee Urban, Gardner
48 -- Pam Ippel, Overland Park
49 -- Bond Faulwell, Olathe
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SheilaT Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-13-06 10:26 PM
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1. Proud2Blib, do you come to Second Saturday?
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proud2BlibKansan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Jun-13-06 11:01 PM
Response to Reply #1
2. I need to
It seems like I always have something else going on. This last Saturday, I was helping my candidate here in NE Jo Co. In July, I will be out of town. Maybe in August?

I do go to meetings here in my neighborhood and I am very involved with GKC DFA. I do a lot more than just post here on DU :)

And then of course, I always go to the anti-wart protests. KansDem came tonight and chatnoir has just recently joined us on Tuesdays. (She has the BEST signs!) Actually, there are several DUers who are part of the peace groups here in KC.

This is such exciting news about Dems in Jo Co!!

BTW, did you hear about the Jo Co conservatives' picnic this coming Friday? Their special guest is double L Phill.
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SheilaT Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-14-06 07:36 AM
Response to Reply #2
3. Who's your candidate?
Have you ever come to Second Saturday?

I keep on meaning to give a heads up about it here on DU, and always forget until that morning.

Second Saturday has grown over the past four years from about 8 or 10 people, to sixty or more every single month even now, in the lull of the mid-term. Right before the election of 2004 we had well over a hundred people every month, and at least 90 showed up the Saturday after that election. It's a very good place to connect, network, and so on. Whenever Dennis Moore is in town he shows up. Usually someone from his office is there if he's not. Paul Morrison has spoken. Cindy Neighbor is now a regular. Both of them talk about how different the Democrats are, how warm and welcoming. They were both greeted with open arms

I used to attend the anti-war rallies on the Plaza, and regularly hang out with people from there. For me, personally, I feel that demonstrating isn't a productive thing to do. I want to emphasize the personally part, because I wouldn't want to suggest that someone else shouldn't demonstrate if they feel that's important. But much more important to me is campaigning for good Democrats.

And posting here on DU.
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proud2BlibKansan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-14-06 06:09 PM
Response to Reply #3
7. 24th district
Andy Sandler.

About demonstrating - we all do what we can and what makes us feel good. I am trying to do both - demonstrate and help on campaigns. The reason I like to demonstrate is that I really am incensed about this war and for one hour twice a week, as I am holding that sign, I am making people think about the war. Chances are until they pulled up to that light or drove by us that motorist had not likely spent even one minute thinking about it all day long. One of our signs gives the number of war dead. You would be amazed by how many people tell us they had no idea the number was that high. We also get lots and lots more honks for peace than half peace signs (that's what we call that nasty middle finger).

So I guess you could say I am doing this for public awareness. Lord knows the media keeps Iraq out of the news as much as possible. It makes me feel like I am meeting a need.

But I also think working on a campaign is more pro-active than almost anything else we can do. I am working on one campaign in Kansas and one in Missouri. DFA has asked all of its members to pick two campaigns to work on.

Have you been involved with DFA? It is a terrific organization and our KC chapter is quite active. I will post events here and PM you. We have some neat activities coming up this summer. Cleaver will be our guest speaker on August 2.

Yes, I will mark my calendar for second Saturday in August. If you think of it, PM me to remind me as that date approaches.
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chat_noir Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-14-06 11:20 AM
Response to Reply #2
4. signs
proud2Blib, thanks for the compliment!

Hit the cardboard motherload yesterday...After the protest, I went to Deals (95th & Antioch) to get more supplies, and asked the clerk about boxes. She directed me to their cardboard dumpster in back of the store.

Next week there should be some very large signs that say

Love all those honking horns, thumbs up, and peace signs that we get from the commuters!
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proud2BlibKansan Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-14-06 05:56 PM
Response to Reply #4
6. You are AWESOME!!
Your spirit has excited our group and we love having you there.

And wasn't it neat that KansDem came!

We will get this done, chat!

I can't wait to see your new signs. Come down to the Plaza on Sunday if you can.
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scratchtasia Donating Member (283 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Jun-14-06 01:34 PM
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5. Just two more?
Just two more and no Thugs would be running unopposed? Very good, JoCo!
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