So I walk in the door of the high school I have been voting in for 18 years. It is a mad house. Not because of voters but because some little lady is throwing papers and folders around complaining about not knowing what to do with all the stuff, great huh? I walk up to the desk and give her my name. "You can't vote here." "Really, why is that? I have been voting here forever." You are not on my list. I peek over and she is not even looking at the right first 3 letters so I turn the pages for her and show her me, my husband and my two sons. "Oh! Silly me. I guess I am tired or something." Here is your pink card. Why do I need a pink card you might ask? Because I am an unaffiliated voter was the answer I got from her and in order to vote I had to be either a Democrat or a Republican. WTF? I told her that I could vote on the Democratic ballot and she told me no. SHE TOLD ME NO! So I argued (I am trying to make this story shorter) and lo and behold after pointing her to 4 places that said that I could vote on a Democratic ballot without changing my affiliation she said OK. She did not know, NONE of the 6 workers in there knew that NONE of them, I had to show them. So I get my ballot and ask for the special ballot on a county question. Long story short, she said I couldn't vote on it, I said I could and I drug her ass over to the damned map and showed her where I lived. She did not know how to put down in their books who she gave the special ballot to, they were all blank, every page. I asked her if I could sign it so that someone, anyone would know I voted, she let me. I think she was afraid of me at this point. So, I went in and voted. Took me all of about 20 seconds (optiscan). As I was voting another man walked in who was unaffiliated and she told him the same thing she told me until one of the other ladies stopped her. :crazy: As I walked over to get my sticker I saw the monster touch screen, brand spanking new just for us to learn on this election. It did not look like it was even on. I should have asked about it but I did not, I was too freaked out by that time. My husband is getting ready to run over there to vote with the instructions to ask about the touch screen. What do you bet none of them know anything about it. I will let you know. What a fucking mess that was.