and properties. The reason I am posting in this forum is because there is a guy named Mike Whalen, the owner of said properties, which include some in Kansas, who is running for the First District of Iowa congressional seat which is being vacated. This guy Whalen is nuts. He is for bush's tax cuts, for the privatization of Social Security, against a woman's right to choose, against any national health care plan, and so on. And he is running some nasty negative ads against his opponent, Bruce Braley. Whalen has accused Braley of driving jobs out of the USA. This is hardly possible since Braley has a private law practice in a relatively small city in Iowa. The rncc has also chimed in with some particularly nasty ads accusing Mr. Braley of being a "Communist", among other things. Whalen has had some neocon heavyweights in to help him raise money. Rove, Hastert, L. Bush, Cheney, and Mehlman are among them. So as you can see, he is just another bushbot. A complete list of his restaurants can be found at www.hoari.com. I will not give his congressional website here as I do not wish to give him any unneccessary publicity. Thank you for your support.