You said:
"I voted...got right in and voted paper after I verified it would be counted.."
Good for you for picking out the paper to vote on.
But when you write "after I verify ed it would be counted..", I wonder how a person ever really "verifies" it will be counted until the day comes when we return to the process of Hand Counted Paper Ballots?
Unless the public has their eye constantly on the place the ballots are put, until they are counted, seeing that no one ever touches them until the count, how would we know?
Also, if ballots aren't counted at the precinct, there is a period of time that we have to "trust" someone while they are transferred.
If they are "counted" at the precinct by Optical Scanning devices, we can never be certain that the numbers transmitted to central tabulating locations represented the votes and ballots run through the scanner. Correct?
So, though you did a great job of covering the bases, "verifying" may not have been possible. So, maybe, your words would be different... in a technical sense?
Which brings me to this question:
What did the poll people actually say to convince you that your ballot would be counted (even if it was impossible for them to "verify" it)?