At the March 10 Johnson County Second Saturday Breakfast, Democrats talked to Representative Moore about issues surrounding Bush’s War.
“De-funding” the war was not discussed, except in terms of
de-funding Private Contractors. Representative Moore did not express an opinion on this approach, except to say that
Congressional over-sight might provide some tools that would make it possible to consider it.
I reviewed concerns about
removal of language from the Defense Appropriations Bill
that would make Congressional approval necessary for military action against Iran.
Representative Moore indicated that his support for such language in the appropriations bill is soft.
Please review the issues: And call Representative Moore with your thoughts on this urgent issue as soon as possible:Washington Office:
1727 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20515-1603
Phone: (202) 225-2865
Fax: (202) 225-2807
Main District Office:
8417 Santa Fe Dr., #101
Overland Park, KS 66212
Phone: (913) 383-2013
Fax: (913) 383-2088
I’m a little disappointed in my follow up to Moore’s remarks about this language on three points:
1. Representative Moore said that Israel IS at risk and I should have asked if that risk, at least at present, is
worth the damage to the Democratic Party that comes from not supporting Speaker Pelosi.
2. I did not ask him to talk about other
means and opportunities to assure Israel of our support.
3. Representative Moore said he didn’t like the language, because of the issues that it creates with appropriations and I should have asked him:
Since his problem with the language appears to be similar to the problems around de-funding the war, will he consider writing and sponsoring legislation that requires germane amendments in the House legislative process.
My previous message to this and other lists on the topic of including language in the Defense Appropriations bill that requires Congressional Approval for military action against Iran follows:
The Congressional Quarterly reports that the American Israeli Political Action Committee and others are lobbying House Democrats to **remove** language that requires Congressional approval of military actions against Iran from the Defense Appropriations bill, in order to “send a signal” that the use of force will not be taken off of the table.
A couple of questions about Israeli concerns here: Since Israel has many nuclear weapons, Iran will not attack it. So, other than a destructive show of political strength against Speaker Pelosi, what is the point of removing this language in order to “send a signal”, when an attack on Israel is not likely in the first place? Is there no other means and opportunity for the U.S. to show its support
of Israel?
Also, since Iran will not attack Israel, it appears that Israel's real problem is with Iranian support for Hezbollah in Lebannon. Do you agree that Iranian support for Hezbollah would be more negotiable if the U.S. and Saudi Arabia weren't destabilizing the region?