As expected, today he voted with the Blue Dog coalition against the following House bill:
H R 2237 RECORDED VOTE 10-May-2007 5:39 PM
QUESTION: On Passage
BILL TITLE: To provide for the redeployment of United States Armed Forces and defense contractors from Iraq
Why is Moore important? Because of his position with the Blue Dogs:
Rep. Dennis Moore (KS), Blue Dog Co-Chair for Policy - Rep. Moore, a lifelong Kansan, first won election to the House of Representatives in 1998 by defeating a Republican incumbent in a district that had not elected a Democrat since 1958. Moore is currently a member of the House Budget, Financial Services, and Science committees. only has he failed us on the war, but he was one of the signers of the notorious Blue Dog letter urging Dennis Hastert to bring the Bankruptcy bill to the floor for a vote. also caved in to Sprint and voted against Net Neutrality - can't alienate a campaign contributor! it really isn't his appalling corporatist toadying that is starting to irk me - it's his rubber stamping of this failed war. Maybe it's time for Dennis Moore to start getting some heat from his constituents - and I think his office in Overland Park is an excellent place to start. What do you think our chances are of putting together a good number of people, having a professional press notification, and making some noise? I'm sick to death of this jackass - "Democrat" or not - forging ahead with this insanity while Kansas soldiers are dying.