At the Johnson County District Attorney's Office Home Page, Phill Kline (the extra "l" is for loser) pimps a WingNutDaily column by local conspiracy theorist Jack Cashill (HT: KSDP Buffalo Blog). Kline's heading for the article is "WorldNetDaily coverage of Morrison / Tiller controversy," an accurate enough description which fails to establish why it belongs on a county-funded webpage. Tiller is an OB/GYN in Wichita who runs a family planning clinic, Morrison (then the Johnson County DA) beat Kline in last year's state Attorney General election.
Neither Morrison nor Tiller currently has anything to do with the JoCo DA's office, or any legal matters pending there. As Attorney General, Kline hounded Tiller constantly, but never managed to get any charges to stick. Tiller's clinic and a Planned Parenthood clinic both fought with Kline over access to medical records, a fishing expedition which ultimately backfired on Kline, helping to cost him the election. As a last act, he filed charges against Tiller for alleged improprieties regarding late-term abortions he performed. Those charges were dismissed, and Morrison recently filed a separate set of charges recently, charges which Tiller argues are overstated (the details revolve around alleged financial links between Tiller and a second doctor who certified the necessity of the late-term abortions).
In the commentary linked and quoted by Kline's official county web page, Jack Cashill violates Godwin's law:
In watching all of this take place, I have to ask myself whether we judged too harshly those "Good Germans," who turned a blind eye to Nazi inhumanities. In Kansas, we don't even have a Gestapo to explain our passivity.
"Passivity," mind you, towards two doctors agreeing that a medical procedure is necessary to protect a woman's life. To say that this analogy to Nazi Germany is strained gives it far too much credit. This treatment of the Holocaust as a banal analogy to haggling over legal technicalities crosses the line from rhetorical excess into Holocaust denial, and it would be disappointing to see Kline parroting that line in his private life. That he would use county resources to continue a fight he lost with the November elections places this beyond the realm of mere disappointment. This is an abuse of his office and the taxpayers' trust.
Of course, Kline may no longer care. He already has primary and general election opponents lining up against him, and given that Johnson County went against him in the AG race last time, and his installation as DA was as undemocratic a process as any imaginable, I think it's safe to say he'll be looking for a new job soon. Perhaps he'll run for Congress again, this time against Congresswoman Boyda?