I have had it with the Republican Party in Johnson County, Kansas, and the entire US of A. They all have come raving lunatics. A relatively sane Republican recently told me that he hated all "ragheads" (his term) due to some relatively minor incident in college with a person of North African, Turkish, Middle Eastern, or perhaps South Asian descent. He wants all of them dead and their countries turned to glass. And this is a professional man in good standing with his profession. And Republican office holders everywhere have apparently lost it. Brownback, Roberts, Phill Kline, Bush, all Republicans members of Congress--what comes out of their mouths is terrifying to this God-fearing, liberty-loving, progressive. There are more divorces among the "major" Republican candidates than all Democrats running. Massachusetts has the lowest divorce rate in the nation and Texas his highest number of teenage births. Republicans are disconnected from facts and reality. Living in a parallel universe of ideology and fantasy. The irony of hypocrisy is beyond their ken.
Therefore, I am now refusing to vote for ANY Republican for any office, including non-partisan city council and county commissioner. They just can't be trusted with money or any other public trust.
I have a terrible feeling that in the future we are going to be asking in job interviews if one is now or has ever been a member of the Republican Party in the United States.
Indicting an entire political party, especially one that (very long ago) I was a member of, is not pleasant. I am an admirer of Barry Goldwater, Gerald Ford (to my way of thinking, his pardon of Nixon was right, not because Nixon was innocent, but because we had to move beyond Watergate and deal with more important issues), Dwight Eisenhower, Herbert Hoover before his presidency, and Richard Nixon on a good day. Alf Landon was a man of amazing integrity, as is his son-in-law, the former Tennessee Senator Howard Baker. I didn't always agree with them, but they were, except He-Who-Not-Be Named (RMN), by and large honest men with the good of their nation at heart.
Maybe the Republicans were in the political wilderness too long. And by 1994 the Democrats were long past due for some time there. But I am seeing political and government corruption at level unseen since the Gilded Age and perhaps even them. And the consequences now are so much greater and effect many more people. If the Gilded Age was a metaphor for a Golden age manque, perhaps we are in a Re-Gilded Age. I prefer to think of it as the Dildonic Age.
Am I being too hard on Republicans or do they deserve approbation? Just asking.