I got to give Ron Lewis some of my thoughts last night during a conference call .The call was auto dialed by his office.As directed ,I pressed the pound key and waited my for my turn while listening to R. Lewis,second district yes vote for *,to answer constituents questions.There were queries about gas prices ,healthcare,social security disability claims,immigration,welfare,Headstart and highway conditions in the district .One comment about running liberuls out of the country and one about him being a rubber stamp for the * gang.The "rubber stamp" comment got him going about how he differed with the pResident,at first chuckling then admitting that he knew of many times he had disagreed with *,once even voting against a bill backed by *. I'm somewhat nauseous at this point.He brags on passing the death tax.Oh I'm fixing to puke ...and it's my turn .At first in a conversational mode I thank him for the opportunity to speak with him ,he's eat,n that up and I give him a tip ,"you know congressman..you could take a lot more questions if you didn't give such long rambling answers".Lewis," well you're probably right 'bout that.....well that's how we are ya know".Congressman I heard you mention the ending the death tax....under the old law you had to have a million dollar estate to be affected ,I feel your talk'n down to the American people when you use a term like that ....... there is a debt three generations long in this country .....how can there be money for headstart and money for roads in the district.. listen sir your party has had control of both houses of congress,the Whitehouse ,suprem court and fox news ...you people have been at the helm and you have driven this country into the ground in my opinion.The auto dialer cuts in and tells me I am now in the listen only mode.........Ron says" it sounds like you are for higher taxes"...and some more crap and again he spouts it ...."sounds like your for higher taxes"...more crap.....and then says "I've only got about five more minutes to take questions" I wish I had taken up the rubber stamp and jammed where the sun don't shine......Anyway 'hope ya'll get a call