-- First lady Laura Bush made a brief stop in Louisville Thursday to raise money for the Republican Party.
Thornton's CEO Matt Thornton and his wife, Fran, hosted Bush and other guests at their home. It was a private event that was not open to the media, WLKY NewsChannel 32's Andy Alcock reported.
Kentucky Lt. Gov. Steve Pence said the first lady encouraged guests at Thornton's home to support Republican congressional candidates.
As the Thorntons were hosting the fundraiser, customers at his gas station on lower Brownsboro Road were paying $2.86 for a gallon of unleaded regular gas. Some offered their candid opinions about Bush visiting an oil family during the middle of an oil crisis.
Well, that does it for me. No way will I ever pump another oz. of Thornton gas into my car and I will spread the word to everyone I know in town to avoid them like the plague!
And, a rather disgusting move by Pickles to meet with an oil exec given today's political/economic climate. But, then again, since when did compassionate conservatism actually mean a damn thing?