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Yarmuth leading Northup in latest poll - 47% to 36% - yowza!

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Democrat 4 Ever Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-02-06 09:37 AM
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Yarmuth leading Northup in latest poll - 47% to 36% - yowza!
Caught this from a link over at - Lewis in a tight race, Northup trailing, seems like the times they are a changing. It is still two long months before election day so let's keep these asswipes on the ropes and keep pummeling. It is just to much to dream that Kentucky would go blue again.

Yarmuth v. Northup
The good Lord couldn't possibly love me this much:

Word is that in this same poll, Abramson tested the 3rd Congressional District contest between Rep. Anne Northup (R) and challenger John Yarmuth (D) and it showed that the voters desire for change is VERY evident in this district with Yarmuth leading Northup by a 47% to 36% margin among "likely" voters and ahead by 50% to 40% among "definite" voters.

If true this is remarkable given Yarmuth's relative lack of public campaigning since the primary (time off for the death of Northup's son notwithstanding, which is of course honorable and understandable). As I've noted, and what Mark hints at later in his post, Yarmuth wins or loses this race based on his ground game and get out the vote operation. People work on election day and they have to have a reason to leave their place of employment, spend $3/gallon to drive to polls, and to fill in the blank by his name. Disliking Northup won't do that alone. Until Yarmuth gets his motivation face on this poll just makes me feel all fuzzy, but doesn't make me feel like Kentucky's 3rd is going to end up in the D column.
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Roland99 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Sep-03-06 04:38 PM
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1. Wow...that's incredible!
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LouKYDem Donating Member (164 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Sep-04-06 09:35 PM
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2. how??
I mean, I know Northup is bad, and I really like Yarmuth, in fact I actively supported Yarmuth over Horne... but how is it that Yarmuth is leading without ANY publicity?? He'd better get in action NOW to take advantage of this.

By the way, while I'm back on this Horne/Yarmuth thing, what is the deal with these Democrats that were supporting Horne that are supporting Northup for November??? I personally know of three Democrats that were active in campaigning for Horne that are now planning to vote for Northup--one even actively CAMPAIGNING for Northup now! I hope this isn't a trend and is just a few isolated cases I'm noticing, because Yarmuth needs those Horne supporters. Maybe if Horne wants to prove to people like me that he supports the Democratic party (which I think he DOES support it to a very large extent), he should see if he could get his support base to go to Yarmuth.
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BridgeTheGap Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Oct-05-06 08:21 PM
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4. They have to be anomalies
I know plenty of people who supported Horne who are supporting Yarmuth now.
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alfredo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Sep-09-06 12:01 AM
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3. Great news
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