Edited on Sun Oct-22-06 09:08 PM by LouKYDem
I hate to keep bringing up the negatives, but Yarmuth could really benefit if he had actual SUPPORT for this election. It seems like he has, all throughout the race (I'm thinking it is because so many party activists were behind Andrew Horne) been treated like somebody that is just "better than Northup, but not that great." This is so unfortunate... I feel like the Democratic party was supporting Tony Miller (who I really didn't want to vote for, but was pretty much forced to) more than they are supporting Yarmuth. I know some people didn't want Yarmuth because they knew Northup would dig in to all of those columns that he has written over the past decade and a half and use those to rip him apart... we are two weeks from the election and she really hasn't even done that SO FAR except for in one commercial, which seemed to have no effect at all. And her latest commercial is about Sonny's Barbeque franchises paying federal minimum wage, which is a total lie to say that is his fault... but if he was naturally such a bad person, there is no way Northup would have to create a lie for her commercial!
Yarmuth could very well win, but if he doesn't, the only people to blame are the Democrats that seem to be shoving him aside because he is "too liberal" (wait a minute, what party is this again? And why is it that Northup, who is definitely too right-wing, keeps winning in a district that has voted Democratic in every presidential election since 1992?). I've had two organizations that are for Democratic candidates come to my door telling me who to vote for, and they mention all kinds of races, like mayor, state representatives, etc.... but neither one has said a word about Yarmuth. If he loses, we're probably going to be in for a long string of these Tony Miller-like candidates after this election. But if the Democratic party can get their act together in the next, well two weeks, it is possible that Yarmuth can win, because the opinion polls show that he has a pretty good chance of winning anyway.