received a strong email late last week bringing my attention to State Rep. Rocky Adkins from eastern Kentucky as a possible candidate. You can read this comment for more information on getting involved with a possible “draft Rocky” effort.
The Democrat whose name I hear tossed around most these days is, of course, Louisville businessman Charlie Owen. If he enters the race, his substantial personal fortune would render Mitch McConnell’s traditional fundraising advantage null and void. I myself don’t know much about Owen’s orientation along the political spectrum. My sense is that he’s pretty much considered a moderate, or at least I can say that’s the case of perception in my native western Kentucky. Owen also brings with him good statewide name recognition. Yes, he’s lost two statewide races, but familiarity breeds comfort, and I think there’s a lot of sympathy out there right now for the Chandler/Owen 2003 ticket generally.
Now, Ted Shlechter over at The Bridge has posted an open letter calling for Representative Ben Chandler’s entry into the race against McConnell. I read the letter a few times before bed last night and slept on it, and I have to say that I woke up this morning agreeing with Ted’s central point: The challenge of knocking off Mitch McConnell is one worthy of Ben Chandler.
And, you know, by winning in 2008, Chandler would likely be senior senator from Kentucky by 2011. His entry into the race would immediately endear him to every corner of the Democratic Party. Some of those corners, the ones on the left, aren’t necessarily thrilled right now with some of Chandler’s votes, but if a man’s willing to lead you into hard battle like that, you don’t ask questions. You line up behind him.