Economy, Obama administration help fuel Kentucky militias' resurgence Resnick didn't believe all the right-wing militia conspiracy theories — the FEMA internment camps or the government coffins stockpiled for the day the feds declare martial law and round up dissenters. But they made him wonder.
Then America's economy tumbled and the nation elected Barack Obama, and the resulting chatter about socialist incursion, rampant gun control and a government takeover of health care made him fear where the nation was heading.
So the 43-year-old disabled Louisvillian searched the Internet for local militia groups that seemed to echo his misgivings.
“The way everything's going nowadays, if the economy tanks and they do declare martial law, and they do like California with all the riots and stuff, I'd like to know I've got a group I can be with so I'm not on my own,” he said.
First off, what a HORRIBLE headline! Blaming the Obama administration for an increase in militia membership is like blaming a woman who was raped for having been out in public.
Secondly, where is the blame of right-wing hate merchants like Beck and Limbaugh for these idiots' taking to arming themselves and creating groups of chairborne rangers?