After calling President Barack Obama “a young half-breed man” during an on-air discussion, 84 WHAS radio personality Mandy Connell began to stammer.
Ironically, the conservative talk show host who proudly grew up a self-described “suburban redneck child,” according to an online bio, was jabbering about the country’s racial progress when she spat out the pejorative.
“America has allowed poor people like Oprah Winfrey to come from nothing and create a billion dollar media enterprise,” she said during the Aug. 4 program. “At the same time, it has allowed a young half-breed man — and I say half-breed not in a derogatory way, it was just the first thing I thought of — to become president.”
Civil rights groups and other offended parties flooded the station with complaints, and some demanded that she be fired. The next day, a somber Connell issued an on-air apology, saying she wasn’t sure why the term tumbled out her mouth.
The management at 84 WHAS called the remark “stupid” but rejected calls to terminate the host, chastising critics for their knee-jerk disapproval.