Saturday February 26th at 7:00 p.m.
Clifton Unitarian Church
2231 Payne Street, Louisville
Fellowship, Fun, Popcorn, Soda, Etc.
We're showing the movie "Super Size Me"
The event is FREE but we will accept voluntary contributions for Todd's Legal Defense Fund
For those who aren't aware - Todd Eklof is the minister at Clifton Unitarian Church He spoke out against KY's marriage amendment and his beliefs obtained some limited media coverage by The Letter and WHAS. Clifton Unitarian Church has a small congregation and Todd was working full time as a corporate video producer to support his family. As a result of his statements he was initially reprimanded by his employer and eventually terminated.
I realize that within the Democratic Party and even the progressive movement there is some difference of opinion regarding legalizing marriage for gays and lesbians, but I believe that most reasonable individuals can agree that ministers shouldn't be persecuted for speaking about such issues as equality and fairness. Furthermore, as an employee of our bluegrass state I shudder to consider the precedent of eliminating a person’s livelihood because their beliefs – which are voiced outside the workplace – conflict with that of management.