I shortened the list leaving out votes that didn't affect working people and soldiers. A pattern emerges.
Amendment Number: S.Amdt. 334 to to H.R. 1268 (Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense, the Global War on Terror, and Tsunami Relief, 2005 ) Statement of Purpose: To increase the military death gratuity to $100,000, effective with respect to any deaths of members of the Armed Forces on active duty after October 7, 2001.
Bunning and McConnell voted to table (kill) this amendment.
3/5 Vote Result: Motion Rejected Amendment Number: S.Amdt. 344 to to H.R. 1268 (Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act for Defense, the Global War on Terror, and Tsunami Relief, 2005 ) Statement of Purpose: To provide $1,975,183,000 for medical care for veterans.
Bunning and McConnell voted against this.
S.Amdt. 210 to to S.Con.Res. 18 (Appropriations resolution FY2006, Budget ) Statement of Purpose: To repeal the tax subsidy for certain domestic companies which move manufacturing operations and American jobs offshore.
Bunning and McConnell voted to preserve the subsidy for companies moving jobs off shore.
Amendment Number: S.Amdt. 149 to to S.Con.Res. 18 (Appropriations resolution FY2006, Budget ) Statement of Purpose: To increase veterans medical care by $2.8 billion in 2006.
Bunning and McConnell voted against us veterans.
Amendment Number: S.Amdt. 147 to to S.Con.Res. 18 (Appropriations resolution FY2006, Budget ) Statement of Purpose: To protect the American people from terrorist attacks by providing the necessary resources to our firefighters, police, EMS workers and other first-responders by restoring $1,626 billion in cuts to first-responder programs.
Bunning and McConnell voted against our first responders.
Amendment Number: S.Amdt. 145 to to S.Con.Res. 18 (Appropriations resolution FY2006, Budget ) Statement of Purpose: To express the sense of the Senate that Congress should reject any Social Security plan that requires deep benefit cuts or a massive increase in debt.
Bunning and McConnell voted against this.
Amendment Number: S.Amdt. 129 to S.Amdt. 121 to to S. 256 (Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 ) Statement of Purpose: To limit the exemption for asset protection trusts.
Bunning and McConnell voted to protect the assets of millionaire who file bankruptcy.
Amendment Number: S.Amdt. 70 to to S. 256 (Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 ) Statement of Purpose: To exempt debtors whose financial problems were caused by failure to receive alimony or child support, or both, from means testing.
Bunning and McConnell voted no on this.
Measure Number: S. 256 (Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 ) Measure Title: A bill to amend title 11 of the United States Code, and for other purposes.
Bunning and McConnell voted in favor of the Credit Card Companies.
Amendment Number: S.Amdt. 49 to to S. 256 (Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 ) Statement of Purpose: To protect employees and retirees from corporate practices that deprive them of their earnings and retirement savings when a business files for bankruptcy.
Bunning and McConnell voted against this. I am not surprised.
Amendment Number: S.Amdt. 44 to to S. 256 (Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 ) Statement of Purpose: To amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to provide for an increase in the Federal minimum wage.
Bunning and McConnell once again voted against us working people.
Amendment Number: S.Amdt. 38 to to S. 256 (Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 ) Statement of Purpose: To discourage predatory lending practices.
Bunning and McConnell voted in favor of predatory lenders.
Amendment Number: S.Amdt. 29 to to S. 256 (Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 ) Statement of Purpose: To provide protection for medical debt homeowners.
Bunning and McConnell voted against us again.
Amendment Number: S.Amdt. 28 to to S. 256 (Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 ) Statement of Purpose: To exempt debtors whose financial problems were caused by serious medical problems from means testing.
Bunning and McConnell voted against this amendment. I am sensing a pattern.
Amendment Number: S.Amdt. 16 to to S. 256 (Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act of 2005 ) Statement of Purpose: To protect servicemembers and veterans from means testing in bankruptcy, to disallow certain claims by lenders charging usurious interest rates to servicemembers, and to allow servicemembers to exempt property based on the law of the State of their premilitary residence.
Bunning and McConnell once again voting against our soldiers.