I see the Courier Journal has an excellent set of articles on the anniversry of Brown Vs Board of Education....
One says that Kentucky leadfs the USA in school integration, and the Louisville has the most integrated school district of those ordered desegregated in the South.
This is a good thing, I think, for Kentucky.
Heres the article , with links to other articles on racial issues...
http://www.courier-journal.com/localnews/2004/05/16ky/A1-study0516-17603.html(it also seems Louisville is becoming less racially segregated, too)'
I should say that, when I was in high school in Louisville/Jefferson County, I was adamently opposed to school bussing, up to the point of going to the anti-bussing riots, and driving down Dixie & Preston Hwy with a big Confederate flag flying out of my car window (being held by some high school buddies).
But, I grew up and got over it, and after seeing how disasterous
failure to implement a metro-wide integration plan and merged districts was here in Dayton (increasing racial segregation, white flight, economic ghettoization for both whites and blacks, failing schools, etc), and the negative impact it had on the marketability of this metro area to buisnesses looking for a pool of well educated or just competent workers, well, I have to say Louisville (and I guess the rest of Kentucky, too) did the right thing by integrating, and holding fast to this goal...getting over or trying to get over the color line is a postiive thing for all of you, all of us.
So, Kentuckians, maybe only two cheers as you all where forced to integrate, but two cheers nontheless because you all are staying the course, and Kentucky is at least number one in something good and positive.