Downing Street Memo--3rd Anniversary
LPAC event to inform & educate our community about the memo and what it means.
Saturday, July 23, 2003, 12:00-2:00pm Southern Parkway & Woodlawn Ave.
On 7/23, more than 150 towns & cities across the country will draw attention and awareness to the Downing Street Memos, which show that Bush & Co. planned in mid-2002 to invade Iraq and that they would "fix" intelligence to fit this policy. We know that the Rove Scandal, the documentation in the Downing Street Memor, and the overlapping lies about WMD and Iraq's links to 9/11 are all related. Our goal on 7/23 will be to inform & educate our community and call for a formal Congressional hearing on the DSM.
We will gather on Saturday. 7/23, 12:00-2:00pm, at Southern Parkway & Woodlawn Ave., which is an excellent high visibility southend intersection. We will have signs and banners for passing cars and information & petitions to discuss with pedestrians. Please forward this PCUnity message to your lists. We hope people can contact their church groups, esp. in the southend, to attend this event. Need more information on the Downing Street Memo? This event is listed on www.afterdowningstreet.org, which is an excellent source of information...