WHAT: Rally/News Conference Against Gov. Fletcher's Abuse of Power WHEN: Wednesday, September 7th, 2005, 11:00am WHERE: Capitol Building Rotunda, Frankfort, Kentucky
Today, the problems of Kentucky seem far off. Thousands of people are trapped and dying in New Orleans, as Federal and State Government agencies, decimated by the policies of the Bush administration, struggle to stem the tide of a massive American disaster.
But we must also continue to voice our outrage at the governance of the state of Kentucky, as demonstrated by the flagrant abuse of power exercised by Gov. Ernie Fletcher this past week.
Governor Ernie Fletcher, who won the race in 2003 on the promise that he would restore honesty, integrity and transparency to the Kentucky government, has just given a 'pre-emptive' blanket pardon to nine indicted members of his administration. By doing so, he has blocked their trial and thus any testimony that might reveal information on politically-motivated hiring and firing practices by the Kentucky state government. The next day, Fletcher personally pleaded the Fifth before a grand jury of citizens investigating this pattern of cronyism, which violates merit hiring laws.
In response to this outrage, Kentucky citizens are organizing a protest rally at the Kentucky State Capitol on Wednesday, September 7, 11:00AM. Please join representatives from the Kentucky AFL-CIO, The United Mine Workers of America, The American Federation of State County & Municipal Employees Union, Kentucky ACLU, Common Cause of Kentucky, The Technical Faculty & Staff Alliance, and the Louisville Branch of the NAACP.
We realize that many people have job obligations at this hour, but mass protest just doesn't make as big an impression when government offices are closed.
Please do what you must to be there. There will be speeches by those opposed to Fletcher's arrogance, the press will be there, and you'll be surrounded by a noisy horde of fed-up Kentuckians!
Please broadcast this appeal to every potential sympathizer in your personal address book. The earlier the word goes out, the larger the attendance will be.
We must join together so our voices can be heard. Do it now, and do it large!
-Written by Sarah Glenn and Phil McBrayer