Author: Ward Message Date: 2/17/2005 9:45:29 AM Subject: Baton Rouge "Vigil For the Dead"...Sunday... 2-20 The Bienville House For Peace and Justice,the Universal Unitarian Church, and CAWI, are hosting a "Candlelight Vigil For the Dead", from 6pm to 8pm on Sunday, Feb. 20th. The church is at 8470 Goodwood Blvd., in Baton Rouge.
We will be putting a face on the innocent victims of Bush's treasonous "war", with photos and a slide show. We will also read the names of the 32 Louisiana soldiers killed in Iraq, and there will be photos and bios of each of them, along with photos of the first 1000 KIA troops.
We are lighting a candle for each of the soldiers killed so far, almost 1500, and a group of candles to represent the masses of innocent Iraqi's that have also had their lives stolen from them by our greedy "leaders".
We hope some of you will find a couple of hours Sunday to join us. This is our "2nd Annual" Candlelight Vigil, and hopefully, our last. We are doing this vigil to commemmorate the world-wide, anti-war demonstration that we organized on February 15th, 2003, BEFORE the "war" even started.That was the biggest march in New Orleans, prior to the Jazz Funeral.
We are doing it on the 20th instead of the 15th, because it is a weekend, and hopefully more people will be able to attend.
Peace and thanks, Ward