......Mercy me...this is truly pathetic and embarrassing. x(
http://thenewsstar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20050301/NEWS01/50301002/1002State will take over City Court
By Robbie Evans
The state Supreme Court has ordered an administrative takeover of Monroe City Court operations this afternoon.
The takeover of the court will be assisted by the 4th District Attorney’s Office and the Ouachita Parish Clerk of Court. Retired 4th Judicial District Judge John Harrison will oversee City Court operations.
The court has been under fire for nearly a year for non-collection of bond forfeitures, questionable travel expenses by city judges and increasing subsidies from the City of Monroe’s general fund.
In a Supreme Court order dated Feb. 23, Harrison has been assigned duties that include institutionalizing the policies, practices and procedures of the court. “Judges Scott Leehy, Tammy Lee and Daryl Blue are hereby relieved of and shall not assume or discharge any administrative duties or any administrative responsibilities of the City Court of Monroe…,” the order states.