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Landrieu's latest press release (Social Security)...March 4th

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AnnInLa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-08-05 09:01 AM
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Landrieu's latest press release (Social Security)...March 4th


Sen. Landrieu on Sec. Snow Visit to New Orleans:
"Don't take the security out of Social Security."

WASHINGTON -- The following is a statement by U.S. Sen. Mary L. Landrieu (D-La.) regarding today's visit to New Orleans by Treasury Secretary John W. Snow.

Sen. Landrieu said: "I agree with Treasury Secretary Snow on one very important point: We do need to strengthen retirement security in our nation. All Americans deserve the confidence that their retirement will be secure -- that Social Security will be there as promised, their 401(k) plans won't be raided through unscrupulous practices, and their pensions won't be squandered by reckless corporate management.

"The President's plan doesn't seek to address any of these concerns. It is too narrowly focused and creates too much risk by betting hard-earned savings on an ever-changing stock market when we should be working to add certainty and stability to the system. I agree that we must expand opportunities for retirement saving, but we must not undermine this worthy effort with a flawed privatization scheme that takes the 'security' out of 'Social Security.'

"We in Louisiana understand strong retirement security, and have about 350,000 state and municipal workers enrolled in a public pension plan that encourages savings and financial stability. I will oppose any federal proposal which changes or undermines this program, just as I intend reject any proposal which cuts Social Security benefits or adds to our already rising and troubling deficit.

"I look forward to my meeting next month with Secretary Snow, and hope for a productive discussion on Social Security and the mounting national debt."

Last month, Sen. Landrieu released The Path to a Debt Society, a 34-page report detailing how the President's budget proposal shortchanges Louisiana's future by passing the costs of the Administration's fiscal irresponsibility on to our children and state and local governments. She is expected to present the Treasury Secretary with a copy of the report, as well as a collection of e-mails from constituents describing what they believe the right budget priorities to be.

The report is available online at

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finecraft Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-08-05 09:12 AM
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1. I was waiting for her to say something about Social Security
Every time I talk with her Lake Charles office manager I ask him the same thing....."So Rowdy, what's Mary working on today? I bet it has something to do with making sure that Social Security isn't privatized." He knows exactly where I stand on Bush's plan/no plan for Social Security. I'm glad she finally said something.
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AnnInLa Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Mar-08-05 09:50 AM
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2. It must be hard for her to walk that fine line
between Repug Lite and Dem, with her constituency! But, there are some issues on which she just MUST NOT compromise. Glad you have contact with someone who is close to her.
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