COVINGTON NAACP ELECTS WHITE FEMALE PRESIDENT COVINGTON, LOUISIANA The Covington Branch of the NAACP took a historic step this past week when a white female was elected president of the group on Monday evening. Local attorney, child advocate, political activist, wife, and mother, Annie Spell says she is "both honored and excited by the opportunity to serve our community through such a valuable and worthwhile organization." She looks forward to helping the group extend its influence through diversity, inclusiveness, energy, and activism. The group also installed community leader Hattie Brown as its secretary and the Reverend Rodney Barney, a local financial advisor, as its treasurer. The Covington Branch of the NAACP is currently launching a membership drive. The public is invited to attend its next meeting on Monday, April 27th at 7:00 PM at Christ Temple Holiness Church, 619 W. 30th Avenue, Covington.