"NEW ORLEANS -- The man who took on Bill Gates and has been given credit for starting the "big bang" of the World Wide Web had some blunt things to say about George W. Bush and conservative politics during his keynote speech at the governor's economic conference in New Orleans.
Jim Clark, who introduced the free Netscape browser in 1995 and went on to found, Healtheon/WebMD and Silicon Graphics, said leading centers of technology and entrepreneurship tend to be liberal in their thinking as well as their politics.
"Most of the progressive, successful business environments in this country are in blue states -- like California, Massachusetts and New York," said Clark, a former UNO graduate, high school dropout and Stanford University professor.
Addressing a red state audience of economic developers and business executives, Clark said the federal government's conservative and recent religious fervor is hindering the country's ability to develop new technologies and sciences." (end snip)
Wow! Just Wow! I wonder if Kathleen's staff knew that this was going to be the topic of his address beforehand? I wish I would have been there to see everyone's head explode! If I need a speaker for an upcoming event, I'll be sure to ask Jim Clark first!